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30 April 2024


雇主需求和可用劳动力的供给和需求是一个不断变化的动态, tethered together but each impacted by differing factors. 像全国许多社区一样,爱博体育手机版下载面临着现有工作岗位工人短缺的问题. Numerous factors have led to that scenario, but meaningful, collaborative partnerships between postsecondary education entities, 政府机构和行业提供了重新构想编程和教育模式的潜力,以解决人才短缺问题. This education challenge is one discussion point in the RealTime Talent report titled Top 10 Trends to Watch in Ramsey County’s Workforce Landscape.

Talent and skill shortage

Historically, Minnesota has exhibited a low unemployment rate compared to other states. In 2022, the Minneapolis/Saint Paul metropolitan area ranked third out of the 53 largest metro areas nationally for low unemployment rates. Yet despite Minnesota having one of the country’s highest labor force participation rates and being ranked a top state for business, Minnesota also has a significant talent shortage. Many employers cannot find enough workers to fill their job openings, illustrated by the fact that, as of September 2023, Minnesota had about 51 available workers for every 100 open jobs.

造成人才短缺的一个主要原因是缺乏具备工作所需技能的工人, 对该州教育系统的检查提供了一个可能的解释. 一个例子是,尽管以优秀的高中而闻名 high test scores, in 2022, 明尼苏达州在州教育系统的种族不平等问题上排名全国第二. 这项研究的数据来自白人和黑人学生在高中和大学学位等方面的差异, test scores, and graduation rates. 

Postsecondary education, therefore, faces numerous challenges, 从对教育体系的幻灭和入学率的下降,到行业需求的变化, 导致技能要求与潜在工人所拥有的技能不匹配. 国家教育系统内的积极措施可以帮助解决人才短缺问题. 

爱博体育手机版下载高等教育的未来取决于我们创新和适应劳动力市场不断变化的能力,” said Erin Olson, Senior Director of Strategic Research with RealTime Talent. “通过正面解决入学率下降和师资短缺等问题, 我们可以为建立一个更具复原力和响应能力的教育系统铺平道路."

Connections through education

爱博体育手机版下载高等教育面临的最大挑战之一是入学率下降和对传统教育体系的幻灭. That said, signs of improvement are on the horizon, 加强学生支持系统和提供更灵活的学习选择的举措正在进行中. 

"Providing a variety of options for students, including modality, curriculum, and support services, 会在重新吸引学习者和培养终身学习文化方面发挥关键作用吗,” adds Olson.

Moreover, 行业需求的变化推动了高等教育模式的转变. 需要不同教育和培训水平的职业正在经历不同的增长率. 而爱博体育手机版下载的所有就业预计将在未来十年略有下降, 通常需要研究生或学士学位的职业预计将保持稳定或经历适度增长. 相比之下,需要两年制学位或证书的职业可能会面临一些收缩.

Close partnerships

To address these trends, closer partnerships between educational institutions, industry stakeholders and secondary education systems are crucial. Olson emphasizes, “与工业和中等教育更紧密的合作将使高等教育机构能够将项目成果与行业认可的证书相结合,并开发可验证的技能,以满足雇主不断变化的需求。.”

In addition to forging stronger ties with industry, 为学生提供创造性的财务解决方案是确保高等教育可及性和可负担性的必要条件. Initiatives such as scholarships, 学费援助项目和收入分成协议有助于减轻经济障碍,扩大接受教育和培训的机会.

Course into the future

Going forward, 爱博体育手机版下载的高等教育和职业培训机构必须灵活应对行业变化和学生需求. 奥尔森强调了与政府和行业建立有意义的伙伴关系的重要性,以推动创新和重新构想教育模式. "By working collaboratively with key stakeholders, 我们可以制定路线,建设更具活力和包容性的教育生态系统,使个人能够在未来的劳动力中茁壮成长," she concludes.

爱博体育手机版下载准备应对即将到来的挑战和机遇, 创新和协作精神对于为本地区的高等教育和劳动力发展塑造更光明的未来至关重要. Through strategic planning, proactive initiatives and sustainable partnerships, 爱博体育手机版下载在教育创新和劳动力准备方面处于领先地位.

Top 10 Trends to Watch in Ramsey County’s Workforce Landscape from RealTime Talent is a compass, 指导爱博体育手机版下载应对劳动力转型的复杂性. 确定的趋势为有韧性、创新和包容的未来铺平了道路. Each trend will be explored in-depth throughout 2024, charting the course for Ramsey County's workforce in the coming years.

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