Planning Specialist 1-2
Full-Time Planning Specialist 1-2 at Ramsey County
Available Openings: 1
Industry: Government, Coordinator/Planner
Pay Type: Salary
Compensation: $66,164.80 - $106,121.60 Annually
Education Preferred: Yes
Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
E-Verify: Yes
Criminal Background: Yes

Basic Function

The Maternal and Child Health Coordinator, who will work in the Director’s Office, 将专门负责领导和管理第五章妇幼保健整体拨款计划,并专注于减少与婴儿和孕产妇死亡率有关的卫生不公平现象. 该职位将领导整个部门与其他全国范围内的相关项目合作, such as Early Childhood, 并与社区伙伴就妇幼保健活动和战略进行合作,这些活动和战略与爱博体育手机版下载的种族和健康平等优先事项以及第五章妇幼保健整体补助金要求相一致.  
The Adolescent Health Coordinator, who will work in the Healthy Communities Division, 是否将与妇幼保健协调员合作,重点关注青少年健康. 该职位将与整个部门和社区合作伙伴就青少年健康活动和战略开展合作,这些活动和战略与爱博体育手机版下载的种族和健康平等优先事项以及第五章妇幼保健整体补助金要求保持一致. 

 这两个职位的任务包括报告标题V MCH整体补助金, coordinating and facilitating maternal, child and adolescent health related data presentations, planning and evaluation work; reviewing and updating existing related assessments and plans; engaging with community in reducing health disparities; and building and maintaining relationships with community agencies and contracts. The ideal candidates for both positions will have strong backgrounds in public health; community-based experiences; strategic planning; and maternal, child and adolescent health expertise.
To develop comprehensive long and short-range plans, projects and programs in the area assigned; to develop recommendations on policies, procedures, or services in response to specific issues, problems or disputes; to provide leadership and coordination  of projects, procedures and plans in the area of specialization or department assigned; to review, services and programs to develop recommendations for service changes or to make budget recommendations; and to perform related duties as assigned.   (这是本系列课程的旅程或全面表现级别.  任务通常要求熟练掌握通常通过规划专家的经验获得的技能.)

Flexible Workplace
该职位被指定为“弹性工作资格”。, 这意味着员工可以正式选择全职在办公室工作,也可以选择弹性工作制,每周至少有两天在办公室工作,其他日子可以在远程优先的环境中工作. Regardless of selection, 该职位对现场职责有期望,并且需要时间表灵活性,超出了该县灵活工作场所政策规定的最低期望. 要查看爱博体育手机版下载的灵活工作场所政策,请访问: Flexible Workplace policy.

如果内部候选人被选中,工资将按照人事制度确定.e. promotion, transfer, or voluntary reduction. 
要查看或打印该工作的完整Ramsey县工作(类)描述的副本,请访问: Job Descriptions. 一旦进入这个页面,你可以浏览按字母顺序排列的列表或搜索职位描述. 

Salary Range for Planning Specialist 1 - $31.81 to $47.23.
Salary Range for Planning Specialist 2 - $34.41 to $51.02

Exam/Screening Process Information

Training and Experience Rating = 100%
规划专员1-2的考试将包括培训和经验评级, 由附带的补充问卷中的问题组成. 并非所有符合最低资格的申请人都能通过培训和经验评级.  这份补充问卷的评分将取决于你对问题的回答——不要在回答中注明“查看简历”或“查看工作经历”. Please answer all your questions clearly and completely.  如果不及时回答,将会影响你的成绩和最终排名.
合格名单:提交了正确填写的申请并通过审查/筛选程序的所有申请人的姓名将被列入合格名单,以获得作为规划专家的就业机会1 & 2. 此名单将送交委任当局核证,委任当局可使用此名单进行面试以填补空缺. 候选人将在名单上保留一个月或直到被录用,以先到者为准. 在合格名单公布时,将向申请人发出通知, 通知他们名单已经公布,以及他们在名单上的排名.  

老兵偏好:这是一个机密职位,需要公开招聘, competitive selection process.  退伍军人优先积分将在候选人通过考试程序后应用.  符合退伍军人偏好资格的申请人应更新其退伍军人的DD214, and other supporting documents, 并在申请时作为附件提交.
犯罪背景调查:所有的就业机会都以申请人通过犯罪背景调查为条件. Convictions are not an automatic bar to employment. 每个案件都是根据其个人优点和所寻求的工作类型来考虑的. However, 做虚假陈述或隐瞒信息将导致你被解雇, or removed from employment.
Background Investigation

 电子验证参与:爱博体育手机版下载参与了联邦电子验证计划. 这意味着爱博体育手机版下载将提供社会保障局(SSA)和, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 每个新员工的I-9表格上的信息来确认工作授权. 如果政府不能确认你被授权工作, 在对你采取不利行动之前,爱博体育手机版下载必须给你书面指示,并给你联系国土安全部和/或SSA的机会, including terminating your employment. 雇主不得使用E-Verify对求职者进行预筛选,也不得限制或影响你在I-9表格上使用的文件的选择.
平等机会雇主:爱博体育手机版下载提供平等的就业机会, programs, and services without regard to race, color, creed, religion, age, 性别(除非性别是一项真正的职业资格), disability, familial or marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity, public assistance status, place of residence, political affiliation, or national origin. 爱博体育手机版下载坚定地致力于推进种族平等,促进我们所有劳动力领域的多样性和包容性.
要列印纸张申请,请按“纸张申请”. 您需要打印这篇文章,并回答与本次考试相关的补充问题,并将其与完成的书面申请一起提交.


Examples of Work Performed

  1. Conduct studies, needs assessments and special projects, 因应环境的变化,决定服务的需要及需要进行何种改变,并就部门的实施提出建议.
  2. 协调县及适用社区团体开展工作, implement, 计划和组织实施战略和行动步骤.
  3. Analyze trends, research data, changes in laws, 确定规章制度对县或部门的影响,并提出应对建议.
  4. 与其他员工一起制定和实施长期和短期计划,以满足不断变化的服务需求, changes in legislation, and to respond to specific problem areas.
  5. 与国家和地区有关目标人群的规划和实施工作进行协调.
  6. 制定建议,整合和协调县各部门的工作,以改善对目标人口需求的响应.
  7. 就满足目标人口需要所需资金的数额和分配提出建议.
  8. 发展及执行有目标的募款策略,以筹集私人及公共非县资源,以协助满足目标人口的需要.
  9. 分析县或部门提供或购买的服务是否符合目标和目的的评估数据,并在必要时建议纠正措施.
  10. 在社区和政府会议上代表县或部门解释部门政策, 与目标人群或特定项目相关的计划和服务, and to participate in problem-solving meetings.
  11. Prepare plans, charts, reports, 供受规划职能影响或参与规划职能的其他人或团体使用的其他文件.
  12. 分析向部门申请资金的提案,并根据需求提出建议, appropriateness of service, and availability of funding.
  13. Facilitate, on an ongoing basis, 由营运部门或部门的专业人士组成的计划小组,检讨问题和服务需要,以建立适当的行动方案.
  14. 根据确定的目标人群的需求,或为了满足确定的其他需求,更有效地为县居民服务,准备立法建议.
  15. 提供计划、协调和持续实施所分配的服务和项目.

(分配给本分类职位的工作可能不包括本描述中所有可能的任务,也不限制本分类中任何额外任务的分配.  根据管理层批准的工作时间表定期出勤.)


ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.


Minimum Qualifications

Planning Specialist 1:

Education:  Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Social or Behavioral Sciences or related field.
Experience:  Four years of experience in planning, service delivery, 或与所分配部门相适应的相关职能.
Substitution:  任何相当于8年的教育和经验的组合都可以代替学士学位和所需的经验.
Certifications/Licensure: None.


Planning Specialist 2:

Education:  Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Social or Behavioral Sciences or related field.


Experience:  Six years of experience in planning, service delivery, 或相关职能,适合分配部门.


Substitution: 任何相当于十年的教育和经验的组合都可以代替学士学位和所需的经验. 


Certifications/Licensure:  None.

Ramsey County

Contact: Nirvana Wallace
Phone 651-266-2700
Plato Building
90 West Plato Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN, Ramsey, Minnesota 55107
Transit: On bus line